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5 Advantages of LED Plant Grow Lights

May. 01, 2021

LED plant grow lights

Sometime in the past, people would grow crops in their gardens where natural sunlight would help them grow into the beautiful and delicious fruits and vegetables we all love so much. Most plants need sunlight to grow, which is quite difficult considering you live in an apartment. This is where indoor grow lights for houseplants come in handy.


Of all the types mentioned above, LED plant grow lights deserve your attention for the following reasons:

1. Faster harvest cycle

Plants know only one thing: They need sunlight to grow. If they spend all day in the sun, they'll probably keep growing. However, unfortunately for them, the sun will set at some point, which means that for several hours, they will also stop growing.

With LED lights, however, the "sun" won't set - and the plants won't even know it. They'll just know they have the light they need to grow, and even if it's dark outside, they'll continue to grow in a brightly lit growth chamber.


2. Longer life span

One of the reasons plant lights are becoming more popular is that they last longer than regular bulbs. Because they operate at a lower temperature, LED plant grow light systems can run for up to 50,000 hours, which is much longer than conventional lighting systems. Plus, thanks to this, you won't need to change bulbs so often. Not only will you save money on new equipment, but you'll also be able to grow crops for years - with no maintenance.


3. Energy savings

Most of our electricity costs are caused by heat emissions and the "burning" required to produce light. However, considering that the LED grow light doesn't actually burn anything to produce the light, it can significantly reduce our electricity bills. When you use it, you can get the same amount of light and save money.


4. Healthy Plants

When you use a conventional light on a plant, the burning effect bounces off the plant and if the temperature is not to its liking, it will dry out. Anything that emits harmful UV rays can damage plants, causing them to need more energy and water to survive. On the other hand, LED plant grow lights are not as harsh on plants. Considering that the energy is very limited, plants won't feel like they are overworking themselves.

5. Environmentally friendly

We used to care less about eco-friendly items, but now everyone is starting to see their use. In an age where the air around us is becoming harder and harder to breathe, we are starting to realize that further burning of air and creating waste will only make things worse. However, LED plant grow lights can be fully recycled, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to HID lights. These lamps contain a considerable amount of mercury, which is very harmful to the environment, especially when it is burned.


Final Thoughts

LED plant grow lights may take some time to catch on, but people are finally starting to appreciate their use. They're not as harsh on the environment, they're not as harsh on your energy bills, and they provide all the light your indoor plants need for healthy growth. Granted, the best LED plant grow lights for indoor plants may be slightly more expensive than traditional lighting systems, but they're also more durable in the long run. It's definitely worth the money.


Wanna choose the led grow lights best Producer? Contact 3TREELED now and we offer high quality led lights.

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